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Snow and Tell, Holiday Traditions from McGill Law!

Jodie McGill: Our tradition is for Christmas morning, Santa leaves unwrapped presents under the tree (I think our Santa learned this from years of watching A Christmas Story on reparations). The kids have to descend the stairs in the morning; walk past the tree (and presents); and come into our room. Once us parents say it’s time (we often try to get just a bit more sleep), we all go out to the tree together to see what Santa has brought. We then exchange family gifts and spend the day enjoying each other and our new presents.

Courtney Ruwe: Every year Teddy and I make an ornament or painting that commemorates the year and when he is older, he will have a tree and wall full of Christmas memories. We also decorate a gingerbread house every year, which is one of our favorite traditions.

Theresa Loughran: My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my mother and sisters – each year, I am reminded how very much I treasure this tradition as my aging mother asks time and again “when is the cookie party?”

Erica Malloy: Once December starts, we watch all the Christmas/holiday movies we can (and yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie). We put a Santa hat on the corner of the TV and drink every time someone on the TV is wearing the hat.


Jessica Mogis: We always watch Elf and Home Alone throughout December on repeat. We also love to listen to Christmas music and drive around looking at holiday lights. Lastly, we try and visit Mulhall’s annually to see the live reindeer.

Jessica Brown: We decorate for Christmas the Friday after Thanksgiving and we bake cookies for Santa and Friends a few days before Christmas Eve.

Whitney Skutt: We recently established the tradition of listening to Stevie Nicks while putting out holiday decorations, which has been pretty fun. We’re a Stevie Nicks and ABBA kinda bunch. Also, my roommates and I each pick out a special ornament that reminds us of each other and put it in a stocking we hang up.