Something to Give
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” - Aesop
These days, I am reminded more than ever of this timeless quote. I think we are all searching for ways to bring hope, make a difference, or just lend a helping hand in this time of uncertainty. Although most of us survived Covid, we lost countless loved ones. Finally, Covid was somewhat under control, and then it seemed like 5 minutes later Russia invaded Ukraine… this terror of death and destruction is unfathomable.
And then I found the most beautiful book. It’s written by Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. This book portrays the kind of world we would all want to live in … one of love, friendship, kindness, and hope. The messages are simple yet profound. One of my favorite parts is when the lonely boy asks his friend, the mole, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” to which the mole responds “kind.” Or perhaps it’s the message the wise and gentle horse sends to all three of his new-found friends, “Nothing beats kindness… it sits quietly beyond all things.” I find myself often reaching for the pages of this book where I can escape therein & find hope.
Maybe we can bring hope to one another by practicing Aesop’s words… random acts of kindness.
Here are some simple suggestions:
1. Next time you think something nice about someone, tell them… what a waste to keep a compliment to yourself.
2. Give someone a bouquet of flowers for absolutely no reason at all.
3. Pick up the tab – even if it’s just a cup of coffee with a friend.
4. Lend an ear to a lonely person.
5. Read a book to a child … don’t forget to look at the joy in their eyes.
6. Give a blanket to a homeless person.
7. Shovel a neighbor’s walk, scrape ice from a windshield, mow a lawn regardless of whether they can or cannot do it themselves.
8. Pick up the bill for the car in line behind you & pay it forward.
9. Buy a tank of gas for someone at the pump especially while gas prices are escalated.
10. Leave a generous tip for a waitress or waiter who is serving a crowded room of impatient, hungry customers.
11. Leave a note of thanks or appreciation in someone’s purse, lunchbox, car, or desk.
12. Read a book to an elderly person.
13. Make a scrapbook of memories for a friend, sibling, or parent.
14. Call someone you care about and share a happy memory sure to bring a smile.
15. Share something humorous that will elicit gut-busting, tears streaming down your face, hysterical laughter.
16. Take a walk and collect litter.
17. Stop at a child’s lemonade stand.
18. Call a loved one just to say, “I love you.”
19. Support a friend’s child by attending a game, recital, or ceremony.
20. Gift a book to a friend.
21. Surprise a coworker or friend on a half birthday with a slice of cake or flowers.
22. Leave a package of tennis balls at the local park for your dog friends who visit.
23. Share a coupon with someone who is without at the store.
24. Leave a positive review for a local small business.
25. Smile at everyone you see.
We all have something to give. So, while we search for hope when darkness has clouded our way, remember the universal language called kindness. In the words of the gentle horse, “it sits quietly beyond all things.”