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Five BS Divorce Myths

The best attorneys are the most aggressive

Having an aggressive divorce attorney is often the biggest pitfall to the divorce process.  This tactic can cause you extra anguish, money and increase the hostilities between you and your spouse.  We are still zealous advocates for our clients but we do it without compromising your future relationship and opportunity for healing during the divorce.

The person who files for the divorce gets the advantage

In Nebraska, there is no legal advantage to being the Plaintiff or the Defendant. 

Getting the most money at the end of the process wins

We encourage you to look at the big picture of your divorce and establish what is most important to you now and in the future.  Fighting for more money usually results in everyone feeling like they’ve lost. 

Attorneys are too expensive to use for the divorce

Your future is too important to not use a seasoned professional to guide you through the process and your options.   

If we’ve maintained separate finances, we will just walk away from the marriage with our own assets and debts

In Nebraska, we have to look at the marital estate as a whole.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve kept separate finances. Everything acquired during the marriage (with a few exceptions) is part of the marital estate that needs to be equitably divided upon divorce.