Family Law Process Options

At McGill Law, we pride ourselves in being innovative. We are the only law firm in the state of Nebraska to offer our clients two collaborative options: Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Mediation. Additionally, our litigation specialist is available to advocate for you in the event your case is more suitable for court intervention. Learn more about the diverse family law options we offer herein.

Collaborative Law is a cost-effective, problem-solving approach that can minimize the impact of conflict on you, your children, family, and life. You will be supported by a team of professionals with the right expertise to guide and inform you along the way while staying out of court. At the beginning of the process, you, your collaborative attorney, your spouse, and her/his attorney all agree to work through issues without court or the threat of court intervention.

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method which seeks resolutions by offering education about the law and facilitating discussions without the mediator advocating or advising. The mediator is a neutral and impartial party who facilitates the problem solving process with both parties.

Collaborative Mediation is a hybrid of Collaborative Law and Mediation. Collaborative Mediation offers our clients one streamlined process that can be more satisfying than either process alone. The parties agree at the onset that they are going to work toward resolution, without court involvement, in a transparent and respectful manner with the help of a neutral mediator and a team of professionals.

On the other hand, a more traditional approach, i.e. litigation, may be the more appropriate option for our clients who may have higher conflict cases. Litigation refers to any process that utilizes the court system to make decisions during a family law matter. Litigated matters can proceed even if both parties do not agree on the process. Legal resolution of all matters to dissolve marriage or modify an existing agreement go through the court and can possibly result in a judge making decisions for you and your family.

Whatever your needs may be, we are here to guide you and your family to ensure the smoothest path to resolution. Have questions? Call us at 402-548-5418 or email at Your team of professionals at McGill Law will help you choose the right process for your case.